Thursday, March 10, 2016

Life tries

Life tries to take control of situations it doesn't understand.
Nothing compares to what it was.
What it can be.
What it is.
Life leaves us to fend for ourselves
Among the lost and broken.
Calmly walk
Towards the light
of a new day that is calling you
Closer to the end.
Our lives ebb and flow.
We come closer, then we part
Over again until one day
The tide doesn't return
And all the pearls dry up in their shells.

Elizabeth Seibel

I try too much

I try too much.
I cry too much.
I laugh too little.

I smile when I can.
I frown when I can't.
I make it work sometimes.

I give it a try.
I act like it's all good.
It's not. It's really not.

My life is different.
My life is completely the same.
What's going on?

I'm questioning everything.
I'm hearing answers.
I'm not sure.

They make it better.
They bring me back.
It's love like nothing else.

God, thank you..

Elizabeth Seibel
May 23, 2015

My Life. My Kids. My Decisions.

Yes, you can.
No, please don't.
It's my choice and you won't.
That is fine.
Yeah, go ahead.
Thanks for listening to what I said.
She's okay.
He doesn't need one.
Oh, look, now what have you done?
My kids are my life and I decide.
I know you mean well and you tried.
No more arguing.
This is my choice to make.
You aren't the parent so just give it a break.

Elizabeth Seibel