Monday, April 23, 2012



So often we ask for everything we want.
So often we get an answer we don’t like.
I asked for much and I got much more.
I asked for something simple and God gave me everything.
You were a surprise but you were what I needed.
You are more than what I had hoped for.
You are more than what I thought I deserved.
My happiness comes from knowing that you are mine forever.
All my desires have changed. They revolve around me and you.
God gives us more than what we want.
He gives us what we need. What’s best for us.
What will bring us to Him. Nothing will change that.

Elizabeth Seibel 4-14-2012



Love happens
So effortlessly
You with me
Wrapped up in happiness
Afterwards, we smile
We love
We live
The wait
The hope
I’m caught up in it
Thinking about it
But not too much
Trying to keep busy
We love
We live
We wait
In hope
That soon we
Will be more
Not just us,
But we with him
Or her
Whatever God decides
The wait is hard
But the love is easy.

Elizabeth Seibel  4/14/12