Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hearts Collide

Hearts collide

How did we get here?
Where do we go now?
Can it be us? Just us?
We can walk together
Loving the moments
Forgetting the pain
Or maybe embracing the pain
Because we can handle it.
Are we alone now?
Take my hand and let’s fly
Back to where it began
Then forward to now.
What is that feeling?
Is it trust?
Is it hope?
Will it last?
Of course.
It has no end.
It has only forever and us.
Take my hand and let’s lay
On the mountain
And just be together.
Touch my heart
It says your name.
It beats with yours
And I sigh.
That smile that you give me
That feeling that overwhelms me.
Take my hand and let’s dance.
Our song is playing.
Can you hear it?
It is the wind through the trees
And laughter in our voices.
It is the sound of a car driving on a dirt road
Lost but exactly where it is meant to be.
 How did we get here?
We fell.
Where do we go now?
Can it be us? Just us?

Elizabeth Seibel – July 11, 2012